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Össur / 2021 / 1 week / medical research & design / individual freelance project
'Confidence' was a concept project tasked by Össur - a leading manufacturer of prosthetics, bracing and supports, based in Iceland. The quick project was focussed on improving the aesthetics of a complete Össur prosthetic leg, in order to provide users with more confidence and general acceptance of the prosthesis, which in turn allows better recovery and overall experience.
Through research, I presented two main solutions, 'cover' and 'stand out' which broadly cover the spectrum of feelings that an amputee may go through, by looking through different types of physical disability and the perception of 'limb appearances' from the outside in. The concepts consider compatability and ideal manufacturing methods in order to work with existing Össur components, as well as the complexity of the ideal 'aesthetic' as this can be so personal to each user.

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